Choosing The Best Fragranced Candle – What To Look For

You might be thinking that choosing a fragranced candle is an easy task, and it certainly can be one if you know what to look for. You see, there is more to it than picking one that you think smells the most euphoric.

Soy Wax Vs. Paraffin Wax: Using the definition list above, one of the first things you should do when looking for a quality fragrance candle is seeing what it is made out of. Overall, soy is the better and much healthier choice to go with, as it emits less soot, smoke, and is sustainable, renewable. It also tends to burn much longer, so even though it might cost more upfront, you are gaining more value from it in the long run.

Think About Its Usage: Do you want a candle that will get rid of target odors, or one that illuminates a pleasant scent into the air? There is a big difference between odor eliminating and scented candles, so depending on your motives will guide you in the right direction.

The Scent: This is where our specialty steps up. What is the scent you are looking to obtain? Or, if you are someone producing from scratch, what is the overall vibe, feeling, and emotions you want your fragrance to bring to light? Do you want bold or soft, uplifting or calming? These are all things to consider with the scent you choose to pick or create with us, but rest assured, we can make the process seamless.

Chemicals Used: In a world where health and wellness are top priorities, choosing a candle that is more natural (like soy listed above) is theoretically the best direction to go down. Yes, candles that contain harsh chemicals tend to be cheaper, but this also means they can protrude unpleasant odors/toxins into the air and into your lungs.

Burn Time: Burn time is something that both candle producers and consumers tend to forefront. After all, creators want to have the upper hand against the competition in terms of burn quality, and consumers want to have the most value for the money they spend. In summary, burn time is a direct reflection of the candle’s quality and worth, so it is critical you look into this aspect in conjunction with the rest to ensure you get the best one you can.

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